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South Grove Primary School

Art and Design Technology News


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South Grove's Art -- November 2023

At South Grove, this past half term, we have all been very busy across the school during our art and design lessons. This is what we have been creating:

South Grove Art || November 2023



Nursery have been developing wood cutting techniques and created mobiles. They also painted self-portraits and looked at the features they could see. They created wonderful pictures based upon the story they are reading of owls.


In Reception, they have been using paint and pastels to draw self-portraits. The children looked carefully at the shapes of their faces and features and where these features are positioned. They also looked at the work of artist, Barbara Walker and were inspired to complete drawings based upon her work.

Year 1

Year 1 have been investigating toys and puppets. They created paper templates of the shape of their hand puppet. They then used this design to make a fabric puppet. Sewing skills were developed when joining fabrics together. These hand puppets were based upon the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They then used their hand puppets to help retell this story to Nursery.

Year 2

During art this half term, Year 2 have focused upon drawing techniques. They looked at a range of artists drawing styles and then used a grid method to help develop understanding of space in drawings. These observational skills were further developed as they looked at tone within an image. The children used charcoal and 2B pencils to draw sketches of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

Year 3

As part of their topic, Land, Sea and Sky, Year 3 drew sea creatures focussing upon developing their understanding of line and shape within drawings. They composed a sea scene which would then be developed into a collage. Firstly, the children learnt how to use painting to create a colour wash background for their collage. They then looked at layering techniques and how you can use different textures to create different effects within these collages.

Year 4

In Year 4, the children investigated Ancient Egyptian art and artefacts. They created designs based upon Egyptian death masks. They then made 3D representations of these using paper mache and collage materials.
They then further developed 3D work by using thumb pot and joining techniques in clay to create canopic jars.

At home they also were very creative and created amazing costumes and props for their Egyptian day.

Year 5

As part of their topic, The Holiday Show, Year 5 visited London and saw many famous landmarks. On their return to school, they looked at the work of the architectural artist, Stephen Wiltshire and used this as inspiration for their own detailed drawings of London landmarks. They focussed on line, shape, tone and perspective within these drawings.

They also created ambitious 3D models of London landmarks as part of their home learning research projects.

As part of their PSHE topic, they took imaginative black and white photos of what they feel is most special about themselves.

They also designed these colourful Black History month posters and shared them in a celebration assembly.

Year 6

In art, Year 6 looked at the importance of pottery in Ancient Greek times. They researched examples of these artefacts looking at how pottery was used to share daily life and stories. They designed their own pots in this style. Then they used clay to make an Ancient Greek inspired pot using coil pot techniques.

They were also very artistic in their home learning, Ancient Greeks research projects.
During a cookery session, they made savoury dips and Greek salads using skills in cutting, slicing, mixing, blending and combining flavours.


PLM have coloured in canopic jars and as a group made a large sculpture of a sarcophagus.

Art Workshops

As an ongoing sustainability STEAM project, classes across the school took part in a range of creativity workshops.

Year 1 and 5 designed and made junk bots which used an electric circuit to create movement.
Year 2 and 3 explored creating ink using natural materials.

Year 6 used junk modelling to create digital stories using an animation APP.