Year 4 will have intensive swimming lessons for 10 mornings starting from Monday 3rd March at Leyton Leisure Centre.
They will then swim on the following dates in March:
Wed 5th, Thurs 6th, Fri 7th, Mon 10th, Wed 12th, Thurs 13th, Fri 14th, Mon 17th & Wed 18th.
Swimming is part of the National Curriculum and as such is not optional. If you are unsure, for medical reasons, whether your child should participate, could you please seek medical advice and send us a doctor’s letter. If there are any temporary reasons for non-participation, could you please send in a letter or see the class teacher. If your child requires an asthma pump please ensure they have one in school as they will not be allowed to swim without one.
Your child will need to come to school with:
- A swimming bag
- A towel
- Swimming costume/ close fitting trunks (NOT shorts)
- A swimming hat
- Goggles (optional)
Please note that a swimming cap must be worn (these are available to buy from sports retailers), and earrings are not acceptable. Children with verrucaes must wear a verruca sock. Deodorants are allowed, but please provide a ‘roll-on’ only as sprays can cause discomfort to others.
If your child needs to have their legs covered for religious reasons, then close fitting, full length swimming costumes can be worn. Please note however, that the costume cannot have a hood or cover their neck.
The class teacher will accompany the children and supervise separate changing arrangements. The children will change in dedicated group rooms that the general public cannot enter.
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Any additional practice that you can give your child over the Half Term holidays would obviously help their progress. Remember that children who live in Waltham Forest swim for free at all the borough’s leisure centres. Swimming is not only an enjoyable activity which will keep children fit, but is also vital for water safety.