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South Grove Primary School

South Grove Recycling Project

Help us recycle and raise funds for our school!

We're excited to share some fantastic news with you all! South Grove Primary School has started to recycle with TerraCycle®'s Green School Project. Contributing to it helps our school raise funds and teach the importance of recycling to empower future generations to take action at no cost to you!

How it works

  • Students, teachers and the staff can drop off their hard-to-recycle rubbish at our recycling point.
  • Once we have a full box, we send it to TerraCycle® (using a free shipping label).
  • TerraCycle® awards us points that we can redeem for donations to the school.
  • If you’re interested to find out more about how TerraCycle® recycles your rubbish, click here!

Here’s what you can drop off:

The Pladis Biscuits and Snacks Free Recycling Programme:

We accept any brand of biscuit, cracker and cake wrappers such as digestives, rich tea etc. This includes the likes of Penguin's etc but not chocolate bars like Mars, Snickers etc, or the inside plastic tray as they are made from a different material. 


Ferrero Rocher

Philips Dental Care

This program is now closed 

A couple of tips:

  • Start collecting accepted items in a box at home and bring it in once it’s full.
  • Please make sure only to drop off accepted items (listed above).
  • Items don’t have to be fully cleaned, but please remove as much product (e.g. crumbs) as possible.
  • Please drop your items into the correct boxes.

We look forward to recycling with you! The more you drop off, the more you help your school raise funds and help us empower future generations to take action.