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South Grove Primary School

Anti- Bullying Week- Make A Noise Against Bullying

by Ms Spain

What an amazing week learning about this important topic. One area we focused on was what is banter and how do we feel when things are taken too far... if we don't like something, make sure we tell someone. Make sure you MAKE SOME NOISE!!  😊

Luckily, South Grove works hard at being a BULLY FREE ZONE where children feel safe to talk, share and respect each other. This is what makes it such a great place to be. 

Steve and Connor from Project Zero visited with our anti-bullying ambassadors for breakfast on Friday and stayed to watch our amazing Anti-bullying Assembly. Thanks to Mrs Grant and to all of the children and staff who took part. The whole school participated and shared poetry, videos and research and we sang a favourite song. We ROARED the roof down!! 

It was also great to see all of the Crazy Hair Dooos on Friday. You all looked amazing. Take a look at the photos below and have a talk about anti-bullying at home. The funds that we raised will go towards purchasing books relating to anti-bullying topics and half of the funds will go to the Anti- Bullying Alliance. 

Earlier this year, The King and The Queen Consort met staff and young people using the services provided at Project Zero Walthamstow, which is dedicated to engaging young people in positive activities, promoting social inclusion and strengthening community cohesion.  We have been working closely with Project Zero to develop a school link where children can come together in a club setting where they can learn new skills such as recording music, editing videos and activities such as basketball, football and gaming. 

If your child is interested in this, they are invited to attend on a Tuesday after school at the PROJECT ZERO venue in Grange Road to take part in these exciting activities. They will love it!  If you would like to attend please see Ms Spain for more details


Here’s what the parents & Project Zero had to say:

Great assembly – lots of hard work behind preparing it.  Well done all!

Lovely assembly, very important to treat people how you want to be treated.

It was very important all over – I’m glad they made the point about it.  Thank you.

Very well put together.  Kids did amazingly. Great engagement from everyone.
