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South Grove Primary School

Black history month assembly

On Friday we were treated to a very informative assembly celebrating Black History Month with the children explaining that Black History Month is an opportunity to learn about significant black and mixed heritage people and their contributions to Britain and the world. Each Year Group took part.Year 1 started by reflecting on their sporting heroes and they were able to talk about the skills that they had and how determined they had been to become extremely good at their sport.Year 2 had been studying the life of Mary Seacole as part of their Heroes and Heroines topic. We learnt about her inspirational life through the children’s acroustic poems.


Year 3 gave a fascinating insight into the Windrush Generation and how unwelcome people felt during this time. The children designed posters which showed how they would have given people the welcome that they deserved.

Year 4 created Dub poems whilst Year 5 shared the works of women politicians and activists such as Baroness Floella Benjamin and Councillor Asher Craig. They shared some fantastic art work too.

Year 6 focussed on researching the salve trade and the impact this had on the UK and USA and the transatlantic trading routes. PLM told us about Garrett A Morgan who invented the 3 position coloured traffic lights we have today.

It was a very insightful assembly and very thought provoking. Thanks go to Mrs Baker and Ms Hubbard for putting it all together! Well done to all!


Here’s what the parents had to say:

It was lovely! I’ve learned things today.  It is great to see the children so involved.  Thank you.

 It was very good.  We learned so many things and thanks a lot for the motivated song at the end of assembly.

It was very informative and well presented.  Loved it