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South Grove Primary School

Fond Farewell to Mr Poulton

We are saying a fond farewell to Mr Poulton our Music Teacher. He was always only going to be with us this term, but the time has flown by and we are now in the last week of him teaching the children their music lessons.

Everyone has really enjoyed working with Mr Poulton and both the staff and children will be very sorry to see him go.

During his time here, Mr Poulton has livened everybody up on a dreary and cold Monday morning with his electric guitar or trumpet during Star of the Week Assembly and got us all singing enthusiastically! Music lessons have been very active and the children have always been very hands on with using the instruments.

We have one last concert with Mr Poulton on Thursday for our Easter Concert so no doubt there will be lots of cheerful singing and actions!  Please come and join us.  He will also be around at Parents Evening if you would like to talk about your child’s musical education.

Finally, we all want to wish him well for the future and would love to see him back at South Grove at any time.

Good luck Mr Poulton!