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South Grove Primary School

LKS2 Girls football - February 2024

On Tuesday, two teams represented South Grove in a Year 3 and 4 girl's football competition.
We had a fantastic day and played some fantastic football.

LKS2 Girls football || February 2024

 The results were:

South Grove B ( Bianca, Connie, Pola, Sumaiya, Iliana GK, Abena, Robin)
SG B 2 (O.G, Bianca) V Gwyn Jones 0
SG B 0 V Winns A 7
SG B 1 V Thorpe Hall 2
SG B 0 V George Tomlinson 0
South Grove B played well and improved as the morning progressed. Unfortunately, they didn't progress to to the quarter finals.
South Grove A (Maida, Janae, Olivia, Abigail, Emilia, Yara, Sirine GK)
SG A 6 (Janae 2, Maida 4)V Handsworth 0
SG A 6 ( Janae 2, Maida 3, Olivia 1) V Gwen Jones B 0
SG A 6 (Maida 4, Janae 1, Olivia 1) V Chingford C of E 0
SG A 4 (Janae 2, Maida 2) V OLSG B 0
South Grove A dominated their league and progressed to the quarter finals. They were to face Hillyfield A.
SG A 2 (Maida, Janae) V Hillyfield A 3
Unfortunately we lost in the quarter finals to a very physical team but we played fantastically well and showed great team work and passion.

Well done to both teams!

Report By: Mrs Baker and Ms Hughes