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South Grove Primary School

Naturally Natural!

Natural History Museum Trip Oct2024

 Ms Montgomery and Miss Maltwood took a very excited group of children to The Natural History Museum on Tuesday 15th October. We had been invited there as we are very lucky to be selected to be involved in a project called ‘The National Education Nature Park Programme’ which aims to embed nature-based learning in the curriculum, and encourage children and young people all over the country to take action to improve their site for people and wildlife.

The children had written speeches about their thoughts on gardening and wildlife. What we all had not realised is that they would be speaking to a very large audience of distinguished guests!

The children shared their own thoughts on what experiencing nature meant to them….The audience were so impressed with what the children had to say. Lots of adults from the audience came up to thank the children for their speeches and said they found them inspiring. We were introduced to Mr Scott Caine from the DfE who organized the project.


We made the most of our time at the Museum, with opportunity to look at the specimen’s in jars. They were fascinating…. we particularly loved the octopus and tarantula!

One of our favourite parts was to meet Dr John Tweddle. He is the Director of UK Nature at the Natural History Museum. He very kindly took the children outside to the garden area of the museum  where there was an incredible pond where we spent a very happy time pond dipping with him.

As you can see from the photographs we all had an incredible day and many wow moments!