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South Grove Primary School

Nursery Assembly - Summer 2024

Nursery Assembly - Summer 2024

  On Friday, the main hall was alive with very excited ladybirds, caterpillars and a whole range of animals, ready to entertain the packed audiences of eager parents and carers.

The children were confident to stand up and speak with the microphone (in between waving to the audience!) to share their learning in the Nursery.  One welcomed us to their assembly and another told us they had been learning about animals. Then all the children welcomed us by singing: This is our song ‘Sing, Sing, Sing, Hello.’

 The children shared the story they had been looking at. It was ‘Dear Zoo’ written by Rod Campbell, who they also knew was the author.   They had looked at a story map and this had helped them to remember the story and they re-told and acted out the story really well for everyone to hear having remembered it all by heart! The children had written letters to the zoo to ask for a pet and they shared their lovely paintings of the animals that the zoo sent.

 Miss Forbes had helped the children to write a song about the story of another book written by Rod Campbell about a farm called ‘Oh Dear’ that they had read, so that they could sing it to us.  One of the children’s favourite animal songs was ‘Tiny Turtle’ so of course they had to share that one with us too!

 A final song was sung before the end of their assembly, and of course it was about animals, called the ‘Animal Show.’

And finally they said…….

 Now it’s time to say goodbye!

 Well done to all the Nursery children both morning and afternoon. It was a very hot day and they managed very well! Thank you to all the staff involved in supporting the children.

Here is what the parents had to say:

Well done to everyone!  The children were amazing and had clearly had a great time rehearsing and learning about animals.  It was so good I watched it twice!

Well done Nursery children!  Fun, hilarious and very talented.  Great costumes and songs. LOVED IT!

Children are well behaved.  Thanks to all teachers and staff for such an amazing performance.  Thanks Ms Winter, Ms Tomlin and other staff