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South Grove Primary School

South Grove Bulb Planting and Allotment tlc

In the Half Term holiday a group of families had fun in the Secret Garden tidying and planting bulbs.  Here’s what one family had to say about it:

We had a fun morning clearing rubbish from the garden area using litter pickers, and then planting bulbs around the entrance area of the garden. This photo is of Jaya and Nadia from RR planting some bulbs in the nature garden. We also sowed some broad bean seeds in pots - it will be interesting to see their development over the season.

They suggested that it would be nice to plant some more bulbs around the school so if anyway one would like to join in planting some bulbs around the school at 3.30pm this Friday 17th November after school, please come to the office.  We would like to plant outside at the entrance as well.

All children must be accompanied by an adult!