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South Grove Primary School

The Big Climate Conversation

The Big Climate Conversation || November 2023


This week, the Sustainability Reps did themselves and South Grove proud by attending and engaging in climate action for our local area.

Off they went to Kelmscott Secondary School to find out about the impact of climate change locally. They found out that the risk of flooding that happens globally, and recently in very devastating ways in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Greece, can also have effects closer to home. In fact there is a very real possibility of flooding, similar to in 2021 in Waltham Forest, and this is  due to the changes in temperature globally and unpredictable rain causing flash flooding. The children watched a video explaining what happens when rain water is unable to drain properly and steps that can be taken to mitigate this. They have already started to plan out ideas for how to tackle this, part of which will be sharing with the school how to take part in the Big Climate Conversation that is happening in our borough.

Leyla was brave enough to count up votes for Kelmscott and South Grove and all of the children had ideas to share. ‘This is the best group.’ ‘You guys already do so much.’ ‘They were well behaved and attentive.’ Really it was a moment to be proud of our Sustainability Representative as they were impressive ambassadors for South Grove.

If you are interested, and want to find out more, please check out the Hive, who hosted the event and who have lots of things that our budding climate champions can take part in.