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South Grove Primary School

Year 6's Commitment to Sustainability

On May 23rd, some of our  Year 6 children- who are incredible change agents- led a presentation to schools around the country and in different parts of the world to tell them all about our commitment to Sustainability and just what our little Sustainable Market means to us.

Have a look at our slides, take part in the competitions and get ready to GO FOR GOLD on JULY 9th!!! 

Currently we are a Silver Rights Respecting School.. we have all celebrated this but now we are ready to celebrate 

GOLD .. we are all in this together and we all believe in The Rights of the Child . 


Quote from Global Alliance...

Congratulations South Grove and very best wishes from us all at the Global School Alliance…it’s a fantastic privilege to work with the creative and innovative South Grove Primary School! This amazing school is always committed to high quality teaching and learning opportunities for all its young learners…the inspirational teacher is a great globally minded educator who is also determined to bring the world into all the classrooms at the school. It was brilliant to see the enthusiasm and impressive art work from the students; to hear their articulate desire for greater inclusion and appreciation of the SDGs into all aspects of our lives…thank you for your important and impactful work and for ensuring your school is always respecting, articulating, sharing and understanding those key rights that unite us all…