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South Grove Primary School

Pupil Premium & Catch up 

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 to increase the attainment and aspiration of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, including families who have been eligible for Free School Meals in the past six years and Looked After Children.

In 2011-2012 the Government launched its Pupil Premium Funding. This money is sent to schools based on the numbers of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals. From 2012-2013, this funding was expanded to include all children who have been eligible for FSM within the last 6 years. In addition children who are Looked After Children and children whose parents work in the forces also receive the grant. This money is allocated to schools to enable them to provide targeted support and initiatives  to ensure pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially.

It will be used by this school to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible by ensuring that funding reaches the pupils who need it most.

For more information on the purpose of Pupil Premium, please visit:


Objectives for Pupil Premium in this School

  • To reduce the in-school attainment gap between PPG and non PPG pupils in reading, writing and mathematics
  • To ensure high attainment of more-able and gifted and talented PPG pupils
  • To increase targeted extended school opportunities for PPG pupils
  • To increase the range of services available to support the wellbeing of PPG pupils
  • To increase the punctuality and attendance of PPG pupils through increased monitoring and engagement with families


School Policy

The Head Teacher and Governing Body have agreed a policy for Pupil Premium to guide the use of funds and to ensure that it represents value for money.


The Head Teacher and leadership team will regularly and rigorously monitor, evaluate and review the strategies we have put into place for Pupil Premium and report to the Governing Body on its progress and impact.