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South Grove Primary School

School Uniform

South Grove Primary has a uniform code and we ask for all parents’ co-operation in maintaining our high standards of school uniform. It makes a valuable contribution to the ethos of the school and enhances a  sense of community. It gives the children a sense of identity, belonging and pride within the school.

The details below show South Grove’s uniform. These items are sold at cost. The school holds a regular uniform shop but items can be ordered via the school office or via the uniform shop’s website: www.schooluniformdirect.org.uk.

Please note: Physical Education including swimming is a National Curriculum Subject and not an option. Children are expected to wear the correct kit for PE and games lessons.

More information can be found here -
schooluniformdirect.org.uk - South Grove


The safety of your child is of paramount importance to the school. Therefore, stud earrings are the only form of jewellery that your child can wear. If you wish your child to have their ears pierced once they start full time education, please ensure that you leave this until the Summer holidays, as they must be taken out for PE lessons.Please note: Where there are particular medical or religious reasons that make difficulties for parents to adhere to the above uniform code, please do not hesitate to discuss the matter with the Head Teacher.

Lost Property

Please ensure that each item of your child’s clothing worn to school is named. Children are expected to look after their own clothing. Name clothing that is found around the school will be returned to the correct child. However, we are very unlikely to be able to reunite un-named items with their owners.
The school does not have any legal liability to replace or reimburse for pupils’ clothing or other property when it has been stolen or lost in school.

Pre-Loved School Uniforms

We often have nearly new items from £1 a piece. Please enquire at the office.

If you have any uniform your children have grown out of, donations are always welcome.