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South Grove Primary School

Zero Carbon Project

This is our Goal

South Grove has been incorporating and combining the Rights of the Child and the Sustainability Goals in our thinking. As change agents, we have been lucky enough to take part in this amazing project over the past two years. Our Partnership with Green Schools has taught us so much. 

Our Year 4 children have benefitted from an in depth program; looking at environmental challenges and how to be change makers. We have considered and acted on what we can do on a Local, National and Global Level. All of the children have been invited to assemblies and we have just loved creating our projects to reduce consumption levels. Lights off, recycling , using refillable glue sticks and organising waste collection in the dinner hall are just a few of our projects. 

Our Sustainable Market is another one of our contributions to change. Saving items from landfill and creating a space where all people can access food and drinks for reasonable prices is our goal. We work together as an active community of change makers. We even spoke about this at a breakfast conference with The Global Alliance project. Children from all around the world now all know about our market !!

We have also worked on a local level to ensure the Salvation Army gets lots of donations during Harvest and on a Global Level to ensure we fundraise for groups that need our help such as Great Ormand Street, The floods in Pakistan, Save the Children Foundation to support children experiencing war and violence. The ripple effect happens in our learning and we learn how to contribute to society in a positive and productive manner. 

All children have a right to the best healthcare possible, clean water to drink and a clean and safe environment to live in. All adults and children should have information about how to stay safe and healthy. 

This has addressed so many of the Articles and the Sustainability Goals. Check out which of the Articles and Sustainable Development Goals we have met here. 

RRS Article 12,13, 14, 15, 17, 24, 28, 29  and SG 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 

The RRS Articles

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)