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South Grove Primary School


Do you have a child who was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021?

If so, they are due to start in a reception class in September 2024. You must apply for a reception class place for your child. To make an application please apply online at www.eadmissions.org.uk

South Grove Primary is a state-funded community school in the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

Admission to Nursery

Our Nursery provides a drop in session to visit the Nursery on the first Thursday of the month at either 9:30am or 1:00pm. This is often the first opportunity that children have to come to experience learning through play, and proves to be a very valuable experience.  Please contact the school office on 0 to confirm that the session is available.  To apply for a place please drop into the school office or email parents@southgrove.waltham.sch.uk to receive an Initial Interest pack.

The school has up to 40 FTE places in Foundation Nursery (up to 80 part-time places), and a limited number of full time places. The admissions and waiting list is held and run by the school. Parents apply formally for a place in our Nursery via the School Office. Children can start Nursery in the term after their third birthday, however there is usually only one main intake to Nursery which is September each year - children will only be admitted in January or April if places are available. These places are allocated using similar criteria as Foundation Stage Reception.

Admission to Reception

A place in our Nursery does not automatically confirm a place in our Reception Class. A further application must be made, following the Local Authority Admissions procedure, directly to the Local Authority. South Grove Primary School has a Reception intake of 60 pupils per year.

There is one point of entry to Reception in September each year. All children whose 5th birthday is between 1st September and 31st August will be eligible to start their full time (25 hours) of education in an infants or primary school at the start of the Autumn Term in September. The principle of the single point of entry is based on all pupils  receiving the same length of education in the Foundation Stage. If parents are thinking of choosing to defer the start of they should contact the school to discuss this.

Full details of the Local Authority application process can be obtained on the Waltham Forest website www.walthamforest.gov.uk  or by telephoning: 020 8496 3000.

Emails can also be sent by parents to admissions@walthamforest.gov.uk

School Admissions (postal address only)
Waltham Forest Town Hall
Forest Road
E17 4JF

The school is happy to assist parents in these procedures and bi-lingual staff are available to support.

We provide a programme of visits and workshops for parents and children prior to admission to both the Nursery or  Reception classes. This enables children to become familiar with their new surroundings and to settle in quickly and supports parents to understand their role in working in partnership with the school as the child’s first educators. Prospective parents may also visit the school at any time by arrangement with the School Office.

In-Year Admissions

In-year admissions is the term used when a child is looking for a school place during the academic year. Applications for in-year admission are usually made when you have moved to or moved house within Waltham Forest and need a new school place for your child as a result of that house move. You need to fill in an in-year common application form if your child is out of school and of school age, or if you want your child to move from one school to another within the same year group.

To complete an iCAF form please follow the link below:


Moving to Secondary School

Applying for a Secondary place for September 2024

If your child is currently in Year 6 they are due to start school in September 2024. You must apply for a secondary place for your child even if they have an older brother or sister at your preferred school. The booklet ‘Starting Secondary School 2024’ contains all the information you need to know about applying for a secondary school place. Please check the latest admissions information below for updates to this booklet.

The closing date for applications is 31st October 2024. 

The eAdmissions website for online applications opened on 1st September and the closing date for applications is 31st October 2024. The following link will take you directly to the website.

You can download a guide explaining how to apply for your child’s school place online

There are FAQs and guidance sheets to help you complete your online application on the eAdmissions website. If you are having a technical problem completing your application please email support@eadmissions.org.uk

Please note the preferred method for secondary applications is digitally. If you are unable to apply online you can download the secondary common application form. Instructions for how to submit your paper application are on the back of the application form.

National Offer Day

The National Offer Day for Primary School Places is 17 April 2024

The National Offer Day for Secondary School Places is 1 March 2024

If you apply online by the closing date, an email with the outcome of your application will be sent to you in the evening of this date. For paper applications received by the closing date, a letter will be posted first class on the date above.