Year 6
Year 6 Staff (ID 1195)
Miss Alice FontenoyClass Teacher 6F
Miss Alice Fontenoy
Miss Charlotte MarableClass Teacher 6M
Miss Charlotte Marable
Mrs Farhat HussainTeaching Assistant Year 6
Mrs Farhat Hussain
Mrs Fathima RawatTeaching Assistant Year 6
Mrs Fathima Rawat
Welcome to Year 6!
Miss Marable, Miss Fontenoy, Miss. Marable, Mrs. Hussain, and Mrs. Rawat welcome you to Year Six! We look forward to working with you and your children, supporting them through their SATS and beyond. To ensure the best success for your child, we provide additional support, including targeted intervention groups with Miss Spain and SATS boosters after school.
Year 6 Events
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Year 6 Curriculum
Parent Presentation - June 2024
Curriculum Overviews
Overview - Year 6 - Autumn 2024 - 1st Half Term - Time Tunnel Ancient Greece
download_for_offlineOverview - Year 6 - Autumn 2024 - 1st Half Term - Time Tunnel Ancient Greece
Latest Year 6 News
Friday 7 March 2025 Year 6 Learn and Perform a Shakespeare Play in a Day! This week, Year 6 had the exciting opportunity to work with a company called SPLATS to learn and perform Shakespeare's classic play, Romeo and Juliet. In just one day, the students worked hard to master their lines, stage directions, and characters, bringing the famous story to life in a truly impressive performance!The students showcased their talents in front Years 4 and 5, as well as their proud parents. It was a fantastic experience for everyone involved, and the Year 6 students did an amazing job, demonstrating teamwork, creativity and confidence. Well done to all the performers and a big thank you to SPLATS for making this experience so memorable.
Friday 31 January 2025 Year 6 Explore the Tudors Year 6 continued to explore their fasinating new Tudors topic last week in a very dramatic manner by re-enacting a divorce! The children were provided a short scene between the tyrannical Henry VIII and his beloved wife Catherine, exploring the complexity of the emotions between the two; using their own historical knowledge to get into character. First they simply read the lines out to one another and then they were allowed to include a singular chair as their prop to increase the tension in the scene using different levels and types of body language.
Friday 10 January 2025 Year 6 make their own 'Green City'! Taking inspiration from London and Curitiba, Year 6 made their own ‘Green City’ with sustainable materials to show how to make urban living better for everybody! The children completed their projects at home as an ending to their topic in Geography. They are all fantastic and it will be very hard to choose the winner!
Wednesday 27 November 2024 Year 6 participated in the Institute of Imagination's 'Wild Cities' Workshop "Last week Year 6 participated in the Institute of Imagination's 'Wild Cities' Workshop where we learned all about sustainable architecture and buildings across the world that have been inspired by different animals. We used what we learned to then create our own sustainable buildings made out of Lego and junk materials. We used the animal and building type cards to create a frog inspired school, butterfly hospital and shark football stadium. We can't wait to use these buildings are inspiration for making our own cities based on Brazil!"
Friday 22 November 2024 Year 6 Choose Respect For Anti-bullying week, Year 6 were lucky enough to take part in a live lesson taught by the BBC.
Thursday 31 October 2024 Year 6's Greek Day! It was Year 6’s Greek day! It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to immerse themselves in the rich culture and history of ancient Greece. The classrooms were decorated with creative homework projects from Greek-themed artwork to innovative models of ancient Greek architecture. At the start of the day, the children, dressed as ancient Greek Gods, Goddesses and mythical creatures, proudly showcased their costumes to their peers and teachers. They then put their PE skills to the test with the Greek Olympics and showed their creative side when making beautiful mosaics.
Monday 14 October 2024 Year 6 Visit the V&A Last week Year Six ventured all the way to South Kensington to visit the Victoria and Albert Museum to observe real Greek Pots! We first completed a tresure hunt where we found out what year the pots were from, the location they were excavated and their key features. Once we had taken note of all of these things, we then sketched our favourites in preparation for making our clay versions.
Monday 14 October 2024 Year 6 Explore Advertising In Year 6, we have been reviewing existing adverts and promotional films to help guide us in making our own advert to promote online safety. Last week, we sourced a range of media from the internet (taking into consideration copyrighting) and this week we videoed our footage. We are having so much fun creating them and can't wait for you to see the finished videos!
Wednesday 2 October 2024 Year 6 Recreate the Battle of Marathon! 'Last week year 6 recreated the origins of London's favourite race , the Marathon! We learnt how the heroic Pheidippides ran an entire 25 miles from Marathon to the city of Sparta to inform the soldiers of their victory in the Peloponnesian War - almost as long as the walk from the mobile classrooms to assembly! We created a range of freeze frames and actions that matched the narration that was read aloud to us to improve our speaking and listening skills. Our favourite part was re-enacting Pheidippides' incredibly dramatic death following his announcement! After this, we then heard about the evil deeds of King Xerxes of Persia and how he failed at winning war against the Greeks.
Friday 27 September 2024 Year 6 are Learning about Ancient Greece In Year 6, we are learning about Ancient Greece. In English, we are studying different Greek myths and we are working towards writing our own. In Topic, we have been looking at the Ancient Greece timeline and this has led us onto looking at different Greek artefacts. We have started designing our own Greek pots and later on we will be making them.
Year 6 News 2023-2024
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Year 6 had an exciting time at Herts Young Marine Base Year 6 went on their exciting end of year trip to Herts Young Marine Base (HYMB)! We took part in a range of activities which were Bell Boating, Archery, Caving and Raft Building. We had so much fun!
Wednesday 26 June 2024 Year 6 - Two Action Packed Weeks! The last two weeks have been action packed for Year 6! The week before last we created our Sky Arts weeks videos based on two scenes from the Secret Garden. We were given the choice between either the super creepy scene with the owner of the house, or the joyful garden exploring scene. We chose the lighting, filters and camera angles to make these the most effective for the audience and then used our editing skills even better! Following this, last week we participated in our school wide Quidditch competition where we represented our teams in some (very warm) matches. We used our team working skills to earn as many points as possible for our team captains who bravely announced the scores to the school.
Wednesday 19 June 2024 Year6 are Junior Entrepreneurs! This half term, we took part in the Junior Enterprise Project and completed work towards our Fiver Challenge! We had to make a profit from £5, which was provided by the school. We made our business, created our business name, designed a logo, presented our sales pitch and sold our product on our stall during the Fiver Challenge fair. It was such an enjoyable experience raising money for our end of Year 6 party! Along the way, we learnt a lot about finance helping us with life skills.
Friday 14 June 2024 Year 6 Visited Mission Grove School Last week Year 6 went to visit our friends at Mission Grove School as part of Waltham Forest's Junior Citizens programme. We got to hear fantastic range of talks from the people who teach us to be responible citizens such as the Fire Brigade, the Police, Transport for London and Project Zero. The highlight of our trip was getting to roleplay scenarios that could happen on public transport on a real life bus! Additionally, we spoke to Leyton Orient about our feelings towards the transition to secondary school and just how much homework we might recieve! Overall, we certainly feel a little more prepared for life beyond primary school.
Friday 24 May 2024 Year 6 Explore Islamic Art
Thursday 23 May 2024 Year 6's Commitment to Sustainability On May 23rd, some of our Year 6 children- who are incredible change agents- lead a presentation to schools around the country and in different parts of the world to tell them all about our commitment to Sustainability and just what our little Sustainable Market means to us.
Wednesday 22 May 2024 Year 6 have a visit from Project Zero
Friday 17 May 2024 Year 6 have fun in St Jame's Park It was an exhausting week for Year 6 as the children completed their SATs! They were all well prepared for the tests and have worked extremely hard. The adults in Year 6 are extremely proud of them! As a reward for all their hard work, we went to St James Park just to have fun! Take a look at our pictures which show just how much fun the children had!
Friday 19 April 2024 Year 6 Learning Challenge! Year 6 had an incredible active learning session on Friday where we combined Science and Maths with PE. We were split into teams of four and had to compete for the most points. We started off by labelling the bones in the skeleton. We ran to get the key words in order to complete the diagram. We then put our problem solving skills to the test. We took part in an orienteering lesson where we had to find numbers around the playground (using our maps) in order to complete the challenge.We had a great session and would like to say a huge thank you to Enrich!
Wednesday 6 December 2023 Year 6 visit the Olympic park in Stratford Last Wednesday Year 6 took a trip to the Stratford Olympic park to conduct their geography fieldwork study. We assessed the environment and what kind of biomes/landscapes we could see around us. We then compared this to Brazil and noted how different the climates are in particular! We also discussed how the park use sustainable energy sources - much like the cities we are making in our projects.
Monday 13 November 2023 Year 6 have this been directing and filming their own E-safety videos ‘last week in Year 6 we worked as teams to film our computing E-safety videos after planning them using our storyboards. We all chose a different year group as our audience to educate about the importance of saving safe online and provided tips on the best way to do this.’
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